Programs and Development Partners / 01
Education Support Program on non formal eduction in CHT-BRAC International
Ensuring access to poor children for non formal education in most rural areas covering 250 children (boys and girls) through community led approaches emphasizing ownership and sustainable development.
Programs and Development Partners / 02
Education and Training Program funded by SONNE International s
Programs and Development Partners / 03
Community Empowerment Project & Gender Equality funded by UNDP-CHTDF
- Building institutionalization for leadership and sustainability at 100 villages both Male and Female separately
- Supports Rice bank installation for using food shortage period
- Promoting income generation by providing cows
- Home stead gardening program for women
- Training program for IGA, gender equality, entrepreneurship, market linkage, women rights, indigenous rights, girls education and financial management
- Exposure visit for best practices exchanges
Programs and Development Partners / 04
Indigenous Culture Industry Development project-Prince Claus Fonds, The Netherlands
- Provide training for 500 young girls on tailoring, weaving, hand looms, entrepreneurship for self employement
- Facilitate own culture and traditional norms, practices, rights and preservation as self identity
- Exposure visit for exchanging best practices with other communities
- Promoting women’s participation and empowerment at society
- Inscribing and documentation on indigenous tangible and intangible practices and customary
Programs and Development Partners / 05
Water Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project through establishment of Women and Children Rights Project in Bandarban Hill Tract funded by Australian High Commission, Bangladesh
- Form self help groups formation
- Provide safe water and safe toilet facility through latrine and tube wells installation
- Create women leadership through the inclusive program
- Provide training on social awareness raising
- Conduct health camp program relating to the water and sanitation and water born diseases at 50 communities/villages
Programs and Development Partners / 06
Indigenous cultural heritage development and promotion, Land is Life-NY
Programs and Development Partners / 07
Under privileged women sustainable economic development project- Hellen Keller International
- Conduct technical skills training on Broom and Candle making for 1200 women creating economic development
- Support local resources utilization that no harmful for environment
- Formation of women groups for leadership
- Provide training market linkage, conflict management, leadership and project management
Programs and Development Partners / 08
LEAN project-CARITAS Bangladesh and United Purpose
- Provide training for1000 adolescents girls on girls physical and mental health, safety during menstruation/period, early child marriage, nutrition’s and social awareness training
- Formation of adolescents groups for leadership and management
- Facilitate adolescents participation and empowerment at family and society