Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care.


Our assisted living centers are places lorem ipsum dolor sit, luctus elit.



Call for free!
Abdur Rahman Bhaban, Kalaghata Bazer, Ward No 3, Bandarban Sadar, Bandarban-4600, BANGLADESH
Devoted for All
We at KOTHOWAIN were born from a dream to transform lives in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, igniting hope, justice, and creating a path to lasting empowerment.
"Here at KOTHOWAIN, we ignite hope, drive change, and empower communities through justice, equality, and the pursuit of a brighter, sustainable future for all."
Gabriel Tripua,
Respect & Compassion

Our Facilities

Justice for all & Honesty

Committed to honesty and justice for all, KOTHOWAIN (Hope for Survival) empowers the vulnerable indigenous communities of Bangladesh’s Chittagong Hill Tracts, fostering socio-economic development, cultural dignity, and sustainable progress since 2003.

Humanity & Gender Equality

Rooted in humanity and gender equality, KOTHOWAIN (Hope for Survival) champions the rights and dignity of marginalized communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, promoting inclusive development and equitable opportunities for all.

Environmental conservation

Dedicated to environmental conservation, KOTHOWAIN (Hope for Survival) strives to protect natural resources and promote sustainable practices, ensuring a harmonious coexistence for communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Sharing skills and experience

Focused on sharing skills and experiences, KOTHOWAIN (Hope for Survival) empowers communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts to build capacity, enhance livelihoods, and foster sustainable development through collective learning.

  • Building institutionalization for leadership and sustainability at 100 villages both Male and Female separately
  • Supports Rice bank installation for using food shortage period
  • Form and capacity building 12 School Managing Committee
  • Support Indigenous Community School for 755 schooling children for formal education
  • Provide training for 500 young girls on tailoring, weaving, hand looms, entrepreneurship for self employement
  • Facilitate own culture and traditional norms, practices, rights and preservation as self identity

KOTHOWAIN –Bandarban Hill Tract, Bangladesh

The KOTHOWAIN organization (Vulnerable People’s Development Organization) established in 2003 by some social development activist in response to the issues of extreme poverty, low literacy rate, social and political conflict, eroding cultural identity, climate, environment, and high incidence of human rights violations among the indigenous peoples in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh.

Great Staff
The organization aims to develop the socio-economic conditions of the most vulnerable and underprivileged people in the Hill Tracts.
Let the Numbers Speak
Through the years, KOTHOWAIN has strived to build the capacities of the communities to manage and implement projects in a sustainable manner, have a voice in decision making, and dignity as a people.
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Happy Communities
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Years of Experience
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